
Weather Information

To call for field status, the Loudoun County Sports and Rec Weather line is:
703-454-0011 for recorded information about field conditions after 3:00 PM on weekdays or 7:00 AM on weekends.

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FC Virginia Recreational Soccer operates solely on Loudoun County Parks & Recreation (PRCS) allocated fields.  As such we are required to follow all county field rules & regulations and are dependent on communication from the County as it pertains to field closures.


Field 1 is the first field at the opening of the main gate. Fields 2-4 follow sequentially.There are portable restrooms. Evergreen Field Layout

Bles Park contains a walking trail, tot lot, and 4 soccer fields. There are permanent restrooms. Bles Park Layout. Parking may be a challenge during game and practice times. You will not be ticketed/towed if you park in a parking spot or on the grass in the parking lot. You may also park along the road Southbound Riverside Parkway or in the cul-de-sac at the end. Bles Park Field Layout. Bathrooms available

TSJFC utilizes fields 1- Turf & 3 (on the east side of the park near the playground) as well as field 12 (on the west side of the park). Bathrooms available

TSJFC utilizes field 6 & 7 for Recreational & Travel Soccer practice & games.

TSJFC will utilize the soccer practice fields located behind the stadium and baseball field

Fields are located behind the school.  Park in the lot on the left side of the school inside of the gated parking lot

TSJFC conducts programs on the turf and basketball courts (futsal)